Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 8, 2009

I was showing a group of kids around the lovely town of San Lucas. My brother, D, & his friend, DJ, were running from the cops for some reason. All of a sudden, all 3 of us are in DJ's old backyard in SL. The whole yard was covered in trampolines & we were jumping across them to make it across the yard. D & DJ then jumped over the fence & made a run from the cops, after I wished them well.

April 6, 2009

I was with my friends, L & R, in some kind of swamp with lots of bridges everywhere. We were in a boat. It almost felt like we were in a Banksy painting or an art film. I felt some kind of odd distortion of reality. I don't recall much more than that.

April 5, 2009

I went to the dentist, but my dentist's office was now above the Bagel Bakery in Northridge Mall. When I left there, I went to a store in the was a fancy store & had all of these designer clothes. I wanted to buy a $170 grey pea coat, but knew I couldn't afford to, so I settled on a cheaper jacket...a black, white & grey plaid coat. I knew I shouldn't have been spending the money (since we are saving for midwife fee), but I spent it anyway. I also almost bought some $70 perfume, but my sinuses were congested, so I couldn't tell if I liked it that well or not.

When I was leaving the store, I got in an elevator with two guys with a pretty chocolate brown pit bull. It was eating beef jerky & almost bit my leg, while going after a piece of jerky. LOL! Then upon getting out of the elevator, I got lost & ended up in a bathroom with some young high school girls who were just staring at me. I finally found my way back to the elevator, went outside & to the car, where my hubby was waiting for me. Uncle P, Aunt D & cousin J were there, but I was so focused on finding hubby, that I didn't really see them. When I finally did see them, it seemed they were annoyed with me for not noticing them earlier. I made it to the car & showed the jacket to steve.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 4, 2009

I dreamed that I went to go see my friend, K, in Michigan. My brother, D, went with me & wouldn’t leave her alone. He kept hitting on her, putting his arm around her & telling her stuff like “If your hubby isn’t satisfying you, I can”. I kept telling him to shut up & leave her alone, but he wouldn’t listen to me. K was either being nice & didn’t want to upset him, or maybe she actually liked it? LOL! We (the three of us) went to visit K’s dad. D tried to hug him, like he knew him, making K's dad seemed uncomfortable. K's dad’s house had really wavy floors & it was hard to walk in. My sense of gravity seemed to be distorted, like at the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz. We drove around before picking up pizza, looking at old buildings & neighborhoods. D & I then came back to California & I recall being sad. I wanted to move to Michigan, because I loved it there so much.

All of a sudden, K, her dad, K's apparent brother & SIL with two young daughters, some random grouchy old lady, my brother D, my parents, my hubby, my aunt V & uncle K and their twin sons B & D (the twins were little again, even though I was insisting that one of them was much older & taller when he was living with us for awhile a few years ago...everyone pretty much disagreed with me & said “D’s always been short”) were all traveling to Twentynine Palms in a huge Suburban. We took a back road (dirt road) of some kind & came upon a huge pond with remote-controlled bees that were about the size of large dogs. It was supposedly part of some program that was supposed to attract natural bees to the pond. Then, we’re in some kind of mission or something & we had to use a toilet that was inside this little box of a seat (almost reminded me of an antique roller-coaster car or the cars on the Mr. Toads Wild Ride in Disneyland), right out in the open in front of everyone. All of a sudden we were back in the Suburban heading to Paso Robles. W.E.I.R.D.!


Monday, April 20, 2009

April 2, 2009

I had two dreams this night. In the first, my cousin, C, and I are walking down a street in Paso Robles, near the park. I find a piece of my stove that was apparently missing, so we pick up the piece of the stove. I carry it with me for just a moment & then I put the piece back on my stove, which was also just out in the open street. After putting the piece back on the stove, we chain the piece onto the stove to keep people from stealing it again. LOL! Then, all of a sudden, we are in my car & we see my cousin's high school crush, J, in a car next to us & i'm totally surprised to see that he's smoking. Then we just go into the movies without talking to him.

In number two, hubby & I are sitting in our dark bedroom at night, only it's my childhood bedroom at my parent's house. I am sitting there & I swear that I feel a bunny hop on me. I say to hubby "I think we have animals in the house" and he just jumps up & starts going off "I KNEW IT!! SOMETHING SCRATCHED ME!! I'M GOING TO GET A DISEASE!! I'M GOING TO GET A DISEASE & DIE!!!" I had to calm him down. Then, I start looking for the bunny & see it quickly (it's a tiny baby bunny), but it's soon gone. I then see animal droppings & I look around the room. I see the cutest, tiniest chimpanzee & it's wearing a little diaper & I'm holding it, but I can still tell hubby is worked up about being scratched by an animal. We then walk out into the kitchen & I hear rustling under the edge of the cabinet down by the floor. I see a tiny mouse run out, so I freak out (am afraid of mice) & jump back. Then, two tiny grey & white kittens come out & go after the mouse. Hubby then insists that we keep the kittens.

March 30, 2009

I was at a baseball game in a big stadium with J, one of my husband's employees at the store he manages. We were being annoyed by a bunch of "teeny-bopper" girls who were going on & on about Twilight. So, J jumps up & says "Let's get out of here, I want to drink" & I was like "Yeah, I want to smoke", so we leave & end up at a huge bookstore/cafe.

We climbed up to the top of these bookshelves that were about 20 feet tall & sat up there...her drinking beer & me smoking. Then all of a sudden, she says "My brother is coming over here" & I'm expecting her brother to be a cowboy, like her. But, he pulls up (I see through a window) in a Honda Accord limo pulling a horse trailer (LOL!). The car & trailer had matching fancy, gaudy paint jobs. Her brother gets out & he's all hip-hop looking with baggy clothes & gold chains, totally not what I expected. So he climbs the bookshelves & smokes/drinks with us. We are being SO loud that i have no idea how we aren't getting in trouble.

Well, we climb down from the shelves & J's husband, B, shows up & is talking to us. All of a sudden we have climbed down from the shelves and are in the corner of the store, spinning this rack of CDs around & around, being loud & just causing general ruckus. There's a bathroom there & I keep looking at it, because it looks exactly like the Neptune High School bathrooms on the television series, Veronica Mars (which hubby & I have been watching a lot of lately, IRL). Anway, the case of CDs is locked, but for some reason B has the key, so we unlock it. At that time the manager comes over & thinks we have broke into the CD case & are trying to steal stuff. But, she just lets us go after telling us off.


Friday, April 17, 2009

March 29, 2009

I had two dreams this night. In the first, I was at some kind of training or inservice for work. I kept sneaking in & out of the classroom. Although I wanted to, I couldn't leave the grounds because cars were blocking me in. For some reason, one of my classmates from San Lucas School, S. M., was in this dream...wayyy weird that he would be in it, as I haven't seen him since I was probably 14.

The second dream was completely ridiculous! I went to see my mom at the school where she teaches. She was out on the playground/big grass field driving a huge tractor...the kind with a big enclosed cab. There was a student there watching her drive it, as if she was demonstrating to him that she knew how to drive a tractor. I was pregnant & pretty far belly was quite large. I asked her if she had a chance to look over the homeschooling curriculum I had sent her a link to. She told me that she had and that she was going to purchase the "color wheels" lesson to use in her classroom. I then told her it would also be good curriculum to use "for the twins". Realizing at that point I was pregnant with only ONE baby, I recalled in my head that my mother had toddler twins of her own! At that moment, it became clear to me that mom & I were planning to homeschool our three kids together, after she retired. LOLOLOL!
